Saturday, October 31, 2015

EMDR-J: a fast and efficient therapeutic approach

Title: EMDR-J and quantum medicine: a profound, fast and efficient therapeutic approach

Author: Judith Sonja Garbers, clinical psychologist

The author presents an alternative approach of psychological clinical treatment. Combining EMDR with techniques of confrontation, like flooding, methods of catharsis, resources of neuro linguistic programming and metaphorical language, allied to quantum medicine, the author describes a personalized, profound, dynamic and very efficient approach.

Based on 15 years of clinical experience, the author combines EMDR with flooding, methods of catharsis, resources from neuro linguistic programming and metaphorical language, allied with quantum medicine in order to get a profound, fast and efficient therapeutic approach.

Change of mind:
The cognitive-behavioral approach dictates that by analyzing and changing the thoughts of the patient, the therapist also changes his feelings. After years of frustration the author got to the conclusion that feelings and sensations are primaries and more powerful than thoughts. Studying the work of Freud and Jung, she got acquainted to the idea of the subconscious. In Germany the author got to know EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), a therapeutic technique developed by Francine Shapiro(1). Enchanted with this new therapeutic technique that dives right in the traumatic experiences of the patient, reliving the trauma, digesting the trauma, inserting the traumatic experience in context, the author learned to work with tiny scenes of traumatic experience loaded with negative emotions and sensations, reliving with the patient traumatic scenes until they are completely deleted and without negative emotions and sensations.

EMDR and flooding:
During her work in the Christoph Dornier Foundation in Marburg (Germany), the author had contact with a confrontation technique used for panic patients called "flooding". Flooding is confronting the patient with his worst fears taking them to the extreme in order to activate the auto-regulation system of the organism.(2) Convinced of the efficiency of this radical approach, the author applied flooding in combination of EMDR. At first sight it seems like a paradox to intensify negative feelings and sensations of the patient, but experience shows that the efficiency of this approach is much higher and the time applied to delete the negative emotional load of the trauma is reduced in an impressive manner. The author states that all feelings and sensations obey the rules of auto-regulation: fear, hate, disgust, frustration, sadness, impotence, etc. Teaching the patient to intensify his feelings instead of distracting from them while application of bilateral movement of EMDR, feelings and sensations culminate and lose their power over the patient until they are all gone.

EMDR and neuro linguistic programming:
When all negative emotional load is gone, the therapist helps the patient to edit the traumatic scene using techniques from neuro linguistic programming.(3) It´s essential that the traumatic scene is totally neutral and without any emotional load when the therapist starts editing. If the traumatic scene is edited too soon, remains of negative feelings and sensations may maintain the trauma alive. How editing a traumatic scene? The patient goes back to the traumatic scene and imagines during the application of bilateral movement what he would or should have done. It happens that the patient feels that he is not able to act differently because of the child's lack of courage or strength to defend herself. In this case the therapist asks the patient to bring herself as an adult into the scene in order to support the child who suffered the traumatic event. Such experiences show great results. This technique of bringing the adult into the traumatic scene is very helpful if "the patient's child" experienced extreme loneliness and shut herself out. Simulating a conversation between the child who suffered the trauma and the adult is very useful.  Connecting the adult with the child´s pain can be at first a aversive experience but is curative in the end.

EMDR and catharsis:
Using flooding in combination with EMDR can intensify anger, sadness and disgust. In order to letting go of this negative feelings, the author uses catharsis.(4) If the patient experiences a lot of sadness and feels that he can´t express himself, the therapist asks the patient to visualize himself crying and screaming until sadness is getting less intense. In order to delete intense disgust, the patient visualizes himself vomiting. Cathartic exercises bring great relieve. Many patients that appear calm, friendly and educated, carry repressed anger. Especially victims of abuse carry mortal hate against the aggressor and desires of retribution. In this cases the therapist asks the patient to imagine what she would like to tell or do to the aggressor if she hadn´t to worry about the consequences. Assuring the patient that this is only an exercise and that he won´t be judged for his fantasies, the therapist helps the patient to express repressed anger. At the end of the exercise the power of hate diminishes and pity takes the place of anger making forgiveness possible.

Including a metaphorical approach:
Treating the patient with the combination of EMDR, flooding, neuro linguistic programming and cathartic elements is very dynamic. That´s why the author proposes a scan of the patients whole life beginning in childhood in order to locate traumatic scenes. A lot of scenes with emotional load memorized by the subconscience appear and disappear when successfully treated. The subconscious of every patient is different, sometimes minimalistic focusing in few events with symbolical value, sometimes detailed and fuzzy. This form of treatment adapts perfectly to the needs of the patient. If the patient is very creative there´s a chance that he resolves his issues in a higher level that the author calls metaphorical. In this level the patient´s subconscious produces images, colors and symbols similar to a dream during bilateral stimulation in order to resolve his underlying conflicts.(5)

Quantum medicine as an ally:
This alternative and radical treatment is very demanding for the patient. The author suggests the parallel use of quantum medicine to support the patient in the process. In the first therapy session the therapist explains the form of treatment and gets a detailed patient history. She suggests the use of Centralis in order to stabilize the patients emotions and Traumavit Gel. Traumavit accelerates the processing of traumatic events and is used before going to sleep. If the patient has other health issues like thyroid problems, high cholesterol or cortisol levels, problems with digestion or skin problems, the therapist indicates the suiting product of quantum medicine in order to help in the healing progress.(6) The trauma normally presents itself with strong sensations like shortness of breath, chest pains or stomach pain. The therapist easily identifies which organ is taking the impact of the traumatic event and is in need of help to return to health.

In the course of the treatment with this alternative, fast and profound treatment (EMDR-J) the patient experiences an emotional, intellectual and physical improvement. The treatment is intense, demanding and very efficient.

(1) Francine Shapiro: EMDR. Grundlagen und Praxis. Handbuch zur Behandlung traumatisierter Menschen. Jungfermannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung/Paderborn 1998.
(2) Wolfgang Fiegenbaum (1988): Longterm efficacy of ungraded versus graded massed exposure in agorafobia. In: Hand,I, Wittchen HU (eds) Panic and Phobias 2. Berlin: Springer.
(3) Robert Dilts: Crenças. Caminhos para a saúde e o bem estar. Summus Editora: 1993.
(4) Peter Gay: Freud. Eine Biographie fuer unsere Zeit. S.Fischer: 1989.
(5) Carl G. Jung: O homem e seus símbolos. Nova Fronteira: 2008.
(6) Rosangela Arnt: Vade mecum das essências vibracionais. Um guia prático para o uso dos moduladores e indutores frequenciais. Paraná.2013.